How does one figure this world out? It seems to me that by now, I should have the world figured out. That includes myself. Figuring myself out.
Not quite so.
I am amazed at how much I am still learning about ME.
And what have I found out thus far?
Well, that most of the time, I'm not real crazy about myself. I'm not who I want to be. I'm not there yet.
I know that I do too much of measuring myself up against others. I know that I need to love myself just for who I am, and realize that I am a marvelous Creation, created by My Creator, God my Heavenly Father.
There are days, there are times, there are minutes in life, when I am so sick of this world! All the games people play. The stupid stuff that we all do and say and how we treat each other.
This world makes me very tired.
I'm tired of lots of things.
Yet, on the other hand, I am inspired every day. I find joy and pleasure in small things.
And overall, I think that's good cuz if I'd never find joy in anything small, how would I appreciate it in big things?!
Right now, this season of the year, Fall, I find great joy in the amazing colors all around me. As our vanpool makes its daily drive 30 miles away, I look out over the masses of pasture land, seeing hundreds of cattle, heads down, looking for a tidbit here and there in that dry grass. Yet the song, "He Owns the Cattle on a Thousand Hills" comes to mind.
My Father owns those cattle. He owns all the birds of the air, the fish of the sea. And He owns me.
He paid the ultimate price for me.
Death of His Son, Jesus.
So, in these dark days of nothing-ness, a Light does shine in my darkness.
And that Light gives me hope, peace, joy, comfort, and the gumption to continue onward, following this path, going wherever it leads me.
I hope that you see the Light and follow it too. Maybe I'll meet you on the path!